conferences (selected)


  • Talk In Focus - Scientific Gatherings with a purpose, Istanbul: What does EEG tell us about Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lewy Body and Frontotemporal diseases? February 2024
  • Talk Demencia in Palacio Barolo, Buenos Aires. February 2024
  • Talk National Academies Sciences, Engineering, Medicine: Research Priorities for Preventing and Treating Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Workshop, January 2024


  • Talk Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics Frankfurt, Brain Health Research and Diversity, December 2023
  • Talk Public Health Grand Rounds University of California San Diego: Allostatic interoception in frontotemporal dementia and related disorders, November 2023
  • Talk 2º Congreso Chileno de la Sociedad Chilena de Medicina del Estilo de Vida: Brain Health & Future, November 2023
  • Talk BAI - Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, Creative Brainwaves: Creative arts improve brain health, November 2023
  • Talk & Presentation of the follow-up's projects of the Latin American Brain Health Courses, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, October 2023
  • Talk 26th World Congress of Neurology (WCN 2023) Montreal: Multimodal Biomarkers in Frontotemporal Dementia, October 2023
  • Talk University of California San Diego: Brain health research and diversity, October 2023
  • Talk Centro Cultural de la Ciencia - Reimagining the Future: Artificial Intelligence, Science and Society, October 2023
  • Talk Instituto do Cérebro do Rio Grande do Sul: Global Brain Health & diversity, October 2023
  • Talk Congresso Brasileiro de Fonoaudiología CBFa: Initiatives in Global Brain Health, October 2023
  • ESLP 2023 Embodied and Situated Language Processing Conference: A spatiotemporal coding framework of allostatic-interoceptive overload in neurodegenerative diseases, September 2023
  • Talk International Convening Alexandra & Cairo - Global South Arts & Health Week (GSAHW): Solidarity for Brain Health in the Global South, September 2023.
  • LAC-CD - ISTAART Alzheimer's Association webinar: Co-producing and co-designing research: the case of dementia, September 2023
  • Talk Escuela de Psicología - Universidad Adolfo Ibañez: In a world without limits: How Artificial Intelligence impacts my future?, August 2023
  • Talk Universidad Adolfo Ibañez & Fundacion Soy Mas: Does the brain have a gender? Female talent: opportunities and challenges, August 2023
  • Neurosciences Seminar – University of California, San Diego: Brain health bridges across the US and the Latin America from multicentric research to computational approaches to brain health diplomacy, July 2023
  • AAIC 2023 Amsterdam - Electrophysiological Changes during the progression of Alzheimer’s and related dementia, July 2023
  • LAC-CD - ISTAART Alzheimer's Association Webinar: Brain & tissue banks for dementia, Virtual, July 2023
  • Talk University of California – San Francisco Professor Rounds sessions: Brain health bridges across the US, Virtual, July 2023
  • Autumn Seminar San Juan: Regional Challenges: Towards a multidimensional construction of Latin American Brain Health, June 2023
  • Talk Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the UCCuyo: Challenges of the region: towards a multidimensional construction of Latin American Brain Health, June 2023
  • Lecture Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), Visiting Professor Series, Neurology Virtual Grand Rounds: Brain Health bridges across the US and Latin American: From computational approaches to brain health diplomacy, June 2023
  • Conference Escuela de Psicologia - Universidad Adolfo Ibanez: Bridging Brain Health & Mental Health, May 2023
  • AAIC Satellite Symposium Mexico City: Harmonization and Translation: Data Sharing and Guidelines for Research and Practice, May 2023
  • Talk for UCL & NYU Seminar Series: Creative and arts intervention network Latin America: A regional hub to connect arts & brain health, May 2023
  • Interoception and Brain Disorders Course: A predictive coding framework of allostatic-interoceptive overload in neurodegenerative diseases, May 2023
  • Walking the Talk for Dementia: Empowering collaboration to thrive, May 2023
  • Talk ICESI University: Empathy: approaches from Philosophy, Psychology and Neurosciences, April 2023
  • Creative Brain Week: The Impact of Conflict, March 2023
  • Barcelona Health Innovation Week: Mind-body Approaches to Boosting Brain Capital Conference, February 2023
  • USS Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar: Allostatic Interoception in Neurodegenerative Diseases, January 2023
  • Institute of Advanced Studies University of Bologna: The mind’s golden cage and the cognition in the wild, January 2023
  • Center for Brain & Cognition Seminar Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona: Can domesticated cognition survive in the wild? January 2023
  • University of California San Diego Neurodegeneration Seminar Series, Brain Health bridges across the US and the Latin America: From multicentric research to computational approaches to brain health diplomacy, January 2023


  • ISTAART Health Policy Electrophysiology PIA Webinar: Global Brain Health Partnerships: Building Brain Capital through Diplomacy and Action, December 2022
  • Dementia and Brain Aging in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, December 2022
  • Medicina 2022 Webinars: Progress in Alzheimer's Disease, November 2022
  • LAC-CD - ISTAART Alzheimer's Association Webinar: Actualización Regional sobre las demencias en Latinoamerica, November 2022
  • Brain Modes 2022 Conference: Brain health and multiscale brain dynamics, Viña del Mar, Chile, November 2022.
  • ISFTD 2022 Congress: Neurocognitive Allostatic Interoception in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Paris & Lille, November 2022
  • Talk Instituto de Neurociencia Biomedica BNI: "Neuroimágenes, Neurociencias y Neurodegeneración", October 2022
  • Seminar Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencias de Valparaíso CINV: Brain health in Latin America: From biomarkers to computational approaches to implementation science, October 2022
  • LAC-CD - ISTAART Alzheimer's Association Webinar: Digital Health & Care for Dementia, Virtual, September 2022
  • XXIII Congreso Argentino de Bioingeniería y las XII Jornadas de Ingeniería Clínica SABI2022, Argentina, September 2022
  • Symposium Behavioral and Brain Sciences: A Call to Action. Brain Capital & Public Policy, Buenos Aires, August 2022
  • Virtual Seminar: Advances to Promote Peace & Prosociability in Colombia, August 2022
  • LAC-CD Annual Meeting, AAIC 2022, San Diego USA, August 2022
  • AAIC 2022 Session: EEG research in low and middle-income countries, San Diego USA, July 2022
  • AAIC 2022 Session: Biomarker Discovery In Global And Diverse Landscapes, San Diego USA, July 2022
  • AAIC 2022 Session: Biomarkers (non-neuroimaging): Intersection of AD biomarkers and comorbidities for predicting cognitive decline and dementia, San Diego USA, July 2022
  • PIA Scientific Session, AAIC 2022, Computational neuroscience and multimodal (EEG-imaging) markers of dementia, San Diego USA, July 2022
  • ESCAN 2022, Social Cognition, Predictors of radical ideologies of violence, Criminal judges' bias in moral punishment, and Prosociality during pandemic, Viena, July 2022
  • The NINDS Nonfrofit Forum - NIH: Success Stories, July 2022
  • Brainlat LAC CD ISTAART Webinar: Global Strategies for Brain Health and Dementia Prevention, July 2022
  • 35th Global Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International ADI, London, June 2022
  • Medscape Courses: Mild cognitive impairment and the fine art of distinguishing the cause, May 2022
  • Virtual Dissemination Event on Neurodegenerative and Neuropsychiatric Pathologies in Valle del Cauca, May 2022
  • Talk World Health Day, IST Safety Work Institute, Chile, April 2022
  • Talk Ateneo Javeriano for PhD in Neuroscience , Brain health bridges across Latin America: From Computational approaches to brain health diplomacy, March 2022
  • Creative Brain Week: Creativity with Neuroscience, March 2022
  • Year in Review ISTAART Webinar update of Electrophysiology PIA, January 2022
  • Scientific Writing Workshop Virtual meeting, GBHI. December 2021
  • Year in Review ISTAART Webinar update of Electrophysiology PIA, January 2022


  • The UNITED consortium - South America Programme, Introduction, December 2021
  • 16th International Congress of Geriatrics: Neurology of the Elderly and Cognitive Impairment, December 2021
  • Behavioral Design Programme, San Andres University, December 2021
  • Brainlat LAC CD ISTAART Webinar: Capacity Building for Dementia Diagnosis & Support, December 2021
  • Global Brain Consortium (GBC) 2021 Annual Meeting, November 2021
  • Virtual Meeting Updates on Research and Clinical Networking in Latin America, BrainLat UAI/GBHI, November 2021
  • Brainlat LAC CD ISTAART Simposium: EEG Biomarkers of Brain Health and Dementia, October 2021
  • Talk International Mental Day, Adolfo Ibañez University, October 2021
  • TILDA Seminar Series: Exploring TILDA - BrainLat synergies: Allostatic interoception, multi-feature machine learning, and computational whole-brain modelling, October 2021
  • Webinar How can your local neuroimaging data have global impact? The United Consortium, October 2021
  • A Latin American fight to Dementia: From Networking to Research to Implementetion Science, NM Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) Seminar, September 2021
  • Embodied and Situated Language Processing Conference 2021 Virtual Edition, September 2021
  • Behavioral Design Programme, San Andres University, September 2021
  • Virtual Conference: The secrets of the brain are hidden in the heart, Encuentros El Mercurio, September 2021
  • LAC-CD Alzheimer’s Association Webinar, Biomarker Frameworks for Dementia, September 2021
  • Congress on Brain, Behavior & Emotions, The mind in the wild: Intercognition, global dynamics & cognitive neuroscience, August 2021
  • Latin American Postgraduate Course: Scientific Diplomacy applied to Neurosciences, Unesco, July 2021
  • Talk FEUAI: Let´s talk about brain health?, June 2021
  • Talk: Can Dementia Researchers Capitalize from Population Health Research Partners?, May 2021
  • Talk: Interoception Primes Emotional Processing: Multimodal Evidence from Neurodegeneration, May 2021
  • LAC-CD Alzheimer’s Association Webinar, Technology and Dementia, May 2021
  • SANS, Global Perspectives on Social and Affective Neuroscience, May 2021
  • Conference, Brain Health: Key role in aging, mental health and the post pandemic economy, April 2021
  • LAC-CD Alzheimer’s Association Webinar, Multidisciplinary approaches to risk prevention, March 2021
  • Webinar ISTAART, EEG y RM estructural and functional, March 2021
  • International Conference on Frontotemporal Dementias and 1st International Society for Frontotemporal Dementias Congress, March 2021
  • CE Workshop, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience: From the Clinic and into the Wild, February 2021
  • Talk Congreso Futuro, Cybercitizenship and the pros and cons of the future use of cognitive technologies, January 2021
  • Talk Congreso Futuro, The future of cybercitizenship, neuroscience and behavioral science in predicting and understanding violence, January 2021


  • Talk INS Annual Meeting, Social neuroscience and cognition in the wild, December 2020
  • Dic 2020: XXII Congreso Argentino De Neuropsiquiatria Y Neurociencia Cognitiva 2020. Asociación Neuropsiquiatrica Argentina.  Multi-Partner Consortium to Expand Dementia Research in Latin America (ReDLat) Virtual
  • Nov- 2020 1° Congreso Digital INCMNSZ Geriatría y COVID-19.Llamada a una acción coordinada para enfrentar el impacto de la pandemia en las personas con demencia en América Latina” Virtual.
  • Nov- 2020 Seminario Liderando el Talento 2020. Universidad de Maule Chile
  • Nov-2020. XVI Annual Meeting de la Sociedad Chilena de Neurociancias. Simposio sobre investigación de demencia en Latinoamérica. Neurocience Networking & Multicentric Approaches to dementia research in Latin America.
  • Nov- 2020 Congreso Internacional Virtual de Neurociencias: Cerebro y comportamiento en tiempos de COVID-19.  Virtual. CIVN President
  • XII Jornada Internacional aprendizaje, educación y neurociencias en Santiago de Chile Dic 2019
  • ACNP. 58th Annual Meeting of the American College Neuropsychopharmacology. Orlando USA. Dic. 2019
  • Educando al Cerebro. El futuro de la mente en la revolucion tecno-cultural . Buenos Aires Nov 2019
  • From the Social Lab to the cognition in the wild. The Legacy of John Cacciopo. 10th Anniversary of the Society for Social Neuroscience (@S4SNeuro) in Chicago. October 2019
  • Atlantic Senior Fellows Convening in Jordan. Amman Jordan October 2019
  • Violence, From cognitive Neurocience to future reintegration frameworks. Congreso Iberoamericano de Neuropsicología, ICESI_Social Neurocsci, el LENT-UniValle y Fundación Valle del Lili
  • Hazelton, J. L., Hudson, A. L., Ibanez, A., Piguet O. & Kumfor, F.  (2019, October). Detecting the heart: An investigation of interoceptive accuracy in behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia. Poster presentation at the 11th Forefront Scientific Meeting.
  • Hazelton, J. L., Hudson, A. L., Ibanez, A., Piguet O. & Kumfor, F. (2019, June). Sensing the heart: Cardiac interoceptive accuracy in behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia. Poster Presentation at the 6th Annual Meeting for the Australasian Society for Social and Affective Neuroscience (AS4SAN).
  • ''Terra Ignota: A Neuroscientific View of the Techno-Cultural Revolution'' Trinity College. Dublin Irlanda. Julio-2019
  • "Schadenfreude, Counter-Empathy and Moral Cognition" LAM Center for Advanced Studies. Munich Julio-2019
  • Towards neurocognitive markers of neurodegenerative cognitions: from brain atrophy networks to machine learning. Hertie-Institut für klinische Hirnforschung.Tübingen, Alemania. Julio-2019
  • Global Health Conference. Mayo 7 a 9 2019  Miami Florida. Info
  • Café Cientifico presentando el libro de la pe
  • riodista Cientifica Nora Bar en el Café Tortoni. Marzo 2019
  • Solos e hiperconectados,  la paradoja de nuestro tiempo.  Congreso Futuro Chile Ene 2018. +Info
  • Proporciones de la vida.  Charlas del futuro. Charla – Debate.  Providencia Chile. Nov 2018.
  • IV congreso nacional e internacional de neurociencias y neuropsicología. Colombia Ago 2018.+ Info
  • Neurociencias de la toma de decisiones. IV Jornadas de Ciencias Económicas en la Sede San Luis. +Info
  • IV Congreso Nacional E Internacional De Neurociencias Y Neuropsicología. Colombia Ago 2018. +Info
  • Towards neurocognitive markers of neurodegenerative conditions: From brain atrophy networks to machine learning. Seminario IMAL Jul 2018. + Info
  • Novel Markers of Cognitive Decline. 2nd Pan American Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Congress. Jun 2018.
  • Que son las neurociencias.  UCSF. Conferencia Jul 2018.
  • The mind in the wild: Intercognition as the next frontier for social neuroscience. XI Congreso Nacional y XII Seminario Internacional de Neurociencias. Abr 2018.
  • Alzheimer’s Society South American Consortium. Conference.  Apr 2018.
  • Towards neurocognitive markers of neurodegenerative conditions: From brain atrophy networks to machine learning. Gerotalks Universidad de Chile. Dec.2017.
  • X Jornada Internacional: Neurociencia Social ¿Una Red Entre Ciencia Y Cultura? Chile Octubre 2017 . +Info